In-Person or On-Line

Private Sessions

8 - 12 - 16 Week Programs Available

Whatever your goals, whether it is to get back to training after a layoff, conquer plateaus, improve athletic performance or in competition, lose bodyweight or gain lean mass then Strong 4 Life is for you. Close consideration is taken into account of individual training capabilities, modalities and previous injuries.

Customized training plan with which you’ll receive 1 video conference per week to make sure your technique is on point and give you any feedback with any difficulties you may have. I will provide cues on your exercises to keep you on the progress journey for your future goals.

Nutritional support is available and guidance on modalities for improving mobility, flexibility based on current abilities and future goals.

You also have text communication access to share progress, questions/concerns in your training journey.

In person training is available for clients with a minimum dedication to 8 training sessions, twice a week for consistency and progress towards your individual goals. In-Person is depending on local travel time and timing of availability.

Inquire about availability

Online Programs may range from 8 to 16 weeks.

Hourly starting at $80 (discounts available for small group training), however traveling fees are not included.

In-Person training may be limited at time of scheduling.

(Prices are subject to change.)

Whether at home or private gym I will travel to the location of your choice to provide you with unmatched fitness support and expertise... TBD

In-Person/Virtual training is available for clients with a minimum dedication to 8 training sessions, twice a week for consistency and progress towards your individual goals. In-Person is depending on local travel time and timing of availability with virtual for each one of our schedules..

- Service is available only in the state of Connecticut.

- Appropriate travel fees will apply based on the distance.

This service coming soon. : Customized training plan with which you’ll receive 1 video conference per week to make sure your technique is on point and give you any feedback with any difficulties you may have. I will provide cues on your exercises to keep you on the progress journey for your future goals..

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